Community Yard Sale
Join us on Saturday, October 17, for a community-wide yard sale to benefit the 13th Street Community Park & Garden. Throughout the week we will be accepting donated items such as small furniture, clothing, baby items, toys, books, electronics, etc. If you're donating, all items will be collected during the week of October 11 by Richard […]
Happy Howl-O-Ween!
In celebration of Halloween, come join Homeward Trails along with the 13th Street Community Park & Garden for Puppies and Kiddos and Treats, Oh My! Bring your kids or "animal children" dressed in costume. Prizes for Best Dressed Child and Pup! Animal and human alike will have the chance to win a Gift Card sponsored by: […]
November Park Beautification Day
Come lend a hand at our Beautification Day for an hour or two on Sunday, November 8, starting at 10:00 a.m. See you there!